Saturday, October 6, 2012

It has been over a year now since I was in Quebec to a conference with the French Baptist Union. While I was there I meet a fellow pastor named Jeremy who had just come joined a new ministry group called E3 full time. He also introduced me to there one of their affiliate ministries called Iamsecond.  I have watched a few of the videos and found them very well done, and have encouraged others to watch them. If they are into baseball, then Josh Hamilton has his testimony , If you like to watch NASCAR then Darrell Waltrip is on there, and many more. One thing I always try to remember is that just because we are Christians, we are not perfect, we will make mistakes this side of glory. I encourage you to not only listen to peoples testimonies but to write yours out. When did you meet Jesus? When did He save you? What does He continue to do in your life?  When we testify to what God is doing in our life, He not only becomes more real to us but to those around us.

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