This morning came across this and wondered how many see tithing in this way.
Why I Quit
Tithing (and Why You Should Too)
Why has tithing become so divisive
in the church today?
Most people simply don’t understand
To many Christians, it seems like
some sort of country club due. Another bill in the long list of monthly
Giving is supposed to be an act of
worship that draws you closer to the heart of God.
Then why is it that the concept of
tithing, giving the first 10 percent of one’s income, has become so
divisive in the church?
- Is tithing still even required?
Wasn’t it an Old Testament law?
Didn’t Christ abolish the law with His death and resurrection?
Wasn’t it an Old Testament law?
Didn’t Christ abolish the law with His death and resurrection?
Does God really expect me to tithe if
I’m struggling in my personal finances?
I “tithe” my time to the
church. Isn’t that enough?
These questions all have the same
recurring theme—what’s the least I can give and still receive God’s blessings.
When you debate these questions, you
totally miss the point.
Biblical generosity isn’t about
giving the minimum. It’s about surrendering it all to an all-powerful,
all-loving God. A God who gave everything in his son Jesus Christ (John 3:16).
Randy Alcorn
said it
best: “Giving affirms Christ’s lordship. It dethrones me and exalts Him.”
I used to write checks to my church
that looked like this: $112.14.
To the penny. Nothing more. Nothing
“There’s my 10 percent God.
Hopefully that’ll cover the upkeep in Heaven until my next paycheck. Now bless
I didn’t get it.
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