Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday is Outreach day

Well today is tuesday, we have had a very busy day. We got up and again were to the kitchen for 6 am to start work, mornings come early. There were a couple of the team who were not feeling well today. We served both breakfast and lunch for almost 200 per meal. 7 of us went to a local park where we served soup to a little over a 100 people and served 96 at the pantry. The pantry was a line in which bread, egg plants, apples, sandwiches, cereal and sweets were passed out. When we got back it was after lunch and we cleaned up and were off at 3 today. We stuck around this evening and had a time of worship and sharing this evening. I think we needed that both physically and spiritually.

 Please keep praying as the work is hard but the blessing are huge.

We Met a gentlemen named Terry who works at the bowery.He has a great testimonial as to what God has done and is doing in his life. He has been clean for 2 1/2 years and is giving back to the bowery. He has about a 6" scar on the side of his neck. He shared with a couple of us it is a constant reminder of his past, it is where he would inject cocaine in to his system when getting high. The stories are endless. Many may say O what a great thing your doing in NY and how you are such a blessing to the homeless. However we are the ones being blessed by those who are sold out for the goepel of Christ and who are truley being the church in a broken world. God is so good...

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